Do you ever felt like something’s missing in your most intimate relationships
but you are not sure what it is? Many times you sense an undercurrent discontentment. Or a communication dissonance. Or a feeling of isolation and not being able to express who you really are.
The real you never comes out to play and instead, stays isolated within your body rather than being expressed through your body.
The pleasure program of Somatic Consen takes you through a series of videos and guided exercises helping you to slow down into presence and reconnect you with your feelings, your touch, your skin and the relationship with your body and the world around you
Foundations of Enhanced Pleasure:
You learn to ease into your body and allow your deeper emotional world to blend with your bodily sensations and sensual essence.
You discover the emotional landscape and learn to accept all feelings so your nervous system feels more in balance.
You activate your empathy and compassion.
You reconnect with your sexual body and improve the quality of your touch
You allow yourself to surrender to eros.
Eventually, you feel more deserving of making choices and forming boundaries, and you embody the feeling of knowing where they come from.